"Special Order" replica examples for paying clients (most cost between $2,000 - $6,000)
The birdhouse below is a 2 - roomed custom replica birdhouse for a client in MN. It features custom cut shingle textures on all of the walls and roof, hand painted stones, and plastic railings designed just like the ones on the home's real three - balcony backside. With a cleaning hatch underneath, exterior paint, and several coats of polyurethane, this birdhouse is built to last in the elements!
Back side of Birdhouse
Garages and second bird hole
Chimney and front side
Real House
3D Model
The birdhouse below is a 1 - roomed custom replica birdhouse, replicating Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright. the real building is nestled deep in the woods in Pennsylvania. With durable plastic balconies, railings, and custom cut stone textures, This replica offers plenty of visual pleasure to humans and birds.
3D model
The birdhouse below is a 6 bird room purple martin house. Purple martins are some of the best birds to attract to your property because they eat mosquitoes and return to the same home each year after migration! Traditionally, they have 6 to 12 bird rooms, almost in the style of a bird apartment complex. This particular martin house was ordered by a client named Pete for his wife. The martin house replicates his wife's bookstore in Katonah, NY.
Real Bookstore
3D model
Below is our first Cardinal house. Cardinals prefer open-style nesting boxes, so we make one wall with a large opening, about 7" wide and 5" tall. Our client for this project, Todd, noticed a cardinal had oved into his dad's backyard and he saw this as an opportunity to give it a home... which looks just like his dad's house! His parents have flags on the front of the house, so we even replicated the two flags, which can be removed.
Real House
The birdhouse below is a four bird-room birdhouse, purchased by the proud mother of a high school student, for the student's science project. The birdhouse replicates a large high school in New York. It is equipped with cameras in the front two rooms, and two solar panels to charge the cameras. The cameras are the Google Nest brand, and they can connect to any phone / computer so the birds can be monitored while nesting!
Real Highschool
3D model - One of the two camera locations
3D model
The birdhouse seen below was a Christmas order near the end of 2023. Our client, Dixie, wanted a replica martin house to be mounted near the lake at their lake house. We used a round-over router bit to achieve the log-cabin texture around the entire house, and used a rectangular epoxy mold and real stones for the chimney. This house has seven bird rooms, each with cleaning hatches for seasonal maintenance.