Where Ron's years of dollhouse experience meets our years of replicating houses:
Ron and I met in 2023. He's a skilled woodworker, and we are proud to call him a member of the Bird Your House team.
Ron has built many dollhouses from scratch, and he was excited to show me its fine details and precise craftmanship. After seeing it, we decided we are offering a new service...
Custom Replica Dollhouses!
We believe that by offering such a service, we are forced to be as creative as possible. Not just in our birdhouses, but in our website, our marketing, our media, and the entirety of our business. Starting a business is a unique and exciting challenge, where the sky is the limit.
Early on in our relationship, Hannah and I began going on 'Coffee Walks' where we would often admire the unique architecture of local houses, and use this as inspiration for birdhouses. We have even made people free birdhouses if we consider their house / building to be truly remarkable
Houses hold special and sentimental memories, and replica birdhouses can have a similar affect on the mind. Giving to a loved one a piece of art that recovers some of those cherished and personal memories can have a great impact.